2015 Hall of Fame Inductee Photos & Bios
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2015 Hall of Fame Inductee Photos & Bios

Homer Hayward - Committee Member
John Hawkins - Contestant
Harley May - Contestant
Harry Rose Sr. - Track Contestant

Homer Hayward – Committee Member

Homer Hayward was a native Californian and a long-time businessman in Salinas, carrying on the lumber business begun by his grandfather. His Rodeo career began in 1947 when he was assigned to the Sweetheart Committee. Homer became chairman and worked in that capacity until 1956. In 1960, Homer was assigned as Security Chairman overseeing police, fire, and security operations. The job required an almost 24-hour daily commitment from the Sunday before the Rodeo until the Monday after. His responsibility trained him well for Director, Third Vice-President and up the ladder to President.

Homer donated a building from his lumber yard to the Rodeo (which became the start of the Museum) and a 10-acre parcel located off Sun Street which became and still is the carnival site and a city operated recreation field. Homer received the Gold Saddleman Award in 1973 for his unselfish devotion to the California Rodeo Salinas. Homer passed away in 2010.

John Hawkins- Contestant

The single world championship won by John Hawkins is one of the most deserved in rodeo history. In steady pursuit of the title, he was runner-up for three consecutive seasons, once missing the crown by only $18. A broken thigh, later mended with a steel rod, kept Hawkins out of rodeo for 18 months. He returned to competition only to bend the rod and re-break the thigh. He left the rod bent and won his only bareback title the following season. Born May 22, 1930, in Elk City, Okla., Hawkins was a Quarter Horse jockey and physical fitness buff long before fitness became fashionable. Hawkins had one of the strongest riding arms in rodeo. Few rodeo fans remember Hawkins was also a bull rider and tie-down roper during his early years as a RCA competitor.* John won the Bareback Riding in Salinas in 1954, 1958, 1960, 1962 and 1968. *(biographical information taken from prorodeohalloffame.com)

Harley May – Contestant

Harley May, born June 2, 1926, in Deming, N.M., won the world steer wrestling championship title in 1952, 1956 and 1965. May, who grew up with rodeo, competed in youth events and was on the intercollegiate championship teams in 1949-51, was a founder of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association and held various offices in the RCA including president from 1957-59.* Harley May won the Steer Wrestling at the California Rodeo Salinas in 1965, 1970 and 1972, the Saddle Bronc Riding in 1955 and 1956 and captured the All Around title in 1956 and 1965. He entered 5 events for the first 10 years he competed at Salinas, getting a total of 20 head of stock each year. Harley was quoted as saying “If anyone ever asked me what my favorite rodeo was I always answer ‘Salinas.’ I always thought it was the best organized and best run rodeo I ever attended.” He passed away in October of 2008. *(biographical information taken from prorodeohalloffame.com)

Harry Rose Sr. – Track Contestant

Harry Rose Sr. was born in 1922 and raised on a ranch in Hollister, CA. He was only 4 years old when he won the Junior Stock Horse Championship at Hollister’s Bolado Park. Many agree that Harry was a colorful showman, a cowboy’s cowboy and a bit of an outlaw. Harry was a fierce competitor at the California Rodeo Salinas, standing out with his accomplishments on the track. Harry had back-to-back wins in the Stockhorse and Jaquima classes in 1963 and 1964 riding There She Goes and Fizzabar; he won the Stockhorse class in 1958 and 1959 on Davy Crockett, 1961 on Johnny Tivi o and in 1975 on Chicano. He won the Jaquima class in 1966 on Cattabar and in 1972 on Tuff Pay. Harry also won the Stockhorse class in 1969 with an unknown horse in addition to numerous other placings through the years. Harry passed away in 1988.

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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