Kids Dummy Roping
Girl roping
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Kids Dummy Roping

Date: July 19, 2024
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
One of the newest events to the California Rodeo is the Kids Dummy Roping presented by Resistol and Cactus Ropes. This event will take place on Friday, July 19th at approximately 3:30pm (immediately following rodeo slack) in the legendary California Rodeo Salinas arena in front of the roping chutes. The Kids Dummy Roping event age categories are 6 & under, 7-9, and 10-13; there is no entry fee to compete.

You must pre-enter online before Friday, July 19th at 12pm.
Participants must bring their own rope.
Prizes will be awarded to 1st - 3rd in all age groups.

We encourage participants to arrive early with a copy of your entry confirmation. If you are not already on site for slack, please follow the Lot A General Parking signs to park, parking is $10 per car.

Kids Dummy Roping Flyer

Event Sponsors

Resistol Logo
Cactus Ropes Logo

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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