Kiddie Kapers Parade
Kiddie Kapers Parade
Photos by Mag One Media

Kiddie Kapers Parade

Date: July 13, 2025
Time: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

The 2025 Kiddie Kapers Parade will take place on SUNDAY, July 13th at 3 pm

2025 THEME: Once Upon a Rodeo

2025 GRAND MARSHAL: Jaizel Mendoza

Read her bio below.

Thousands of people line the streets of the Salinas City Center to watch over 1,200 children ride on floats, bikes, in wagons and more as a kick off to Big Week and the California Rodeo Salinas.

The parade ends at approximately 3:45 pm (duration is based on the number of kids that participate).


The children in the parade are grouped into 8 divisions for judging. The divisions are Playground Floats, Cowboys and Cowgirls, Strollers & Wagons, Community Groups, Costumed Kids & Pets, Dance & Drill Teams, Group Floats and Rolling Riders (skates, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards, bikes and trikes-helmets required). Everyone is encouraged to wear western clothing.

Judging for Kiddie Kapers Parade is done by Parade volunteers and there is a first - third place awarded in each category. At the Parade’s announcing stand, the division winners are recognized. The 1st place winner in each Division receives a cash prize. There are two 1st place winners in the Cowboys & Cowgirls Division, one boy and one girl. These two winners get to ride at the front of the Parade in special cars. All other division winners walk at the front of their division behind a huge banner. 1st place winners in each division receive a handsome award ribbon. Each entrant gets a commemorative ribbon, a crisp $1 bill and coupons from local merchants.


Please call the Rodeo office at 831-775-3100 for information. There are also answers to some frequently asked questions to the right.

Grand Marshal - Jaizel Mendoza

Jaizel Mendoza - pediatric cancer survivor
6-year-old Jaizel Mendoza of Salinas was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in April 2022 and is currently living with an inoperable chest tumor. Jaizel loves all animals, especially horses, has a big personality, and enjoys spending time with her cousins.

Kiddie Kapers Parade DIVISIONS

2024 Winners

Group Floats-
1-Growing Champions
2-Okie Dokie Corral
3-Generation of Champions

Strollers and Wagons-
1-Emiliano Virgen-Rodeo Clown
2-Harmon/O'Hara/Jensen kids-Raising Champions-Calf Dressing Team
3-Lucas Dunn-Bull Rider

Best Dressed Cowgirl-
1-Gabiela Leyba-6 yrs old
2-Sasha Alexander-4 yrs old
3-Mila Regalado-8 yrs old

Best Dress Cowboy-
1-Gilo Leyba-4 yrs old
2-Lucas Dunn-22 months old
3.-Xavier Estrada-5 yrs old

Customed Kids & Pets-
1-Star Wars
2-Sheriff Kiasiart & Deputy Dog
3-Artalejo, Milly, Sophia

Playground Floats-
1-Central Park
2-El Dorado
3-Bread Box Champion

Rolling Riders-
1-Grant Ghigliotto
2-Cole Ghigliotto
3-Camila Cortez

Community Groups-
1-Junior Giants
2-Northminster Daycare
3-Salinas American Little League

1-Luna Creciente-Ballet Folkloria
2-Kids Corner USA
3-Golden State Elite

Kiddie Kapers Parade (end time is approximate)

Kiddie Kapers Parade participants
Kiddie Kapers Parade
July 13, 2025 | 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Photos by Mag One Media

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Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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