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The California Rodeo Awarded $47,500 in 2024!

2024 Scholarship Recipients

2024 Scholarship Recipients

Photo by Mag One Media.
Front L to R: Monica Albanil Villicana; Guadalupe Rivera; Hailey Ortega; Lana Ibrahem

Back L to R: Matt Ottone; Napolean Navarro; Taylor Jonte-Saiz; Nayeli Diaz Jimenez, Makayla Lemmon; Luis Mejia; Kelly Sutherland; Steve Davis


The California Rodeo Salinas is passionate about supporting youth education in our community and has awarded scholarships to local students for the past 37 years. We started a scholarship program with Hartnell College back in 1986, and we have recently transitioned our scholarship program to the Community Foundation for Monterey County (CFMC). Over $204,000 has been awarded to students-the $47,500 awarded in 2024 was record-breaking!

The CFMC has our application open. Funds will be awarded to students who are Rodeo Committee Members or family of Rodeo Committee Members pursuing higher education. The funds are available for 2 or 4 year colleges, graduate school or trade school.

The California Rodeo Salinas is striving to grow the program to impact the lives of more students.

Read the full press release about the 2024 program and recipients HERE

Community Foundation for Monterey County

The California Rodeo Salinas is excited to offer $5,000 scholarships to Committee Members and their family members for any school they choose to attend, including trade schools.

New benefits of the program include:

  • Awarding funds to Rodeo Committee Members and their family members-there are over 1,200 Committee Members who volunteer their time to make our community a better place
  • Cash and non-cash* donations can be accepted immediately to grow the fund
Learn more and apply by visiting the Community Foundation for Monterey County web page for the California Rodeo Scholarship. Sign Up for an account in order to apply:

Scholarship Criteria

1. The scholarship recipient(s) should be chosen based on the applicant’s:

  • Academic achievements (e.g. honor roll, National Honor Society, overcoming academic challenges)
  • Extra-curricular activities (e.g. athletics, student government, volunteering)
  • Special consideration will be given for students with documented financial need.

2. The Student must be one of the following:

  • Child, grandchild, or spouse of a California Rodeo Salinas Committee Member in good standing; or
  • Have worked themselves as a California Rodeo Salinas Committee Member in good standing. (A California Rodeo Salinas Committee Member is someone who volunteers directly for the Rodeo-not just as a volunteer in their school's booth to earn money- and whose name is on record with the California Rodeo Association office as being an active Committee Member). Students who would like to learn how to become a Salinas Rodeo Committee member, please follow this link: Volunteering ( and complete the application to become a committee member for the next rodeo.
3. Additionally, the Student should:
  • Be planning to attend a 2-year/4-year college, trade school, or graduate school.
  • Be planning to attend full-time.
  • Have a 2.5 minimum GPA

Special consideration will be given to students from Monterey County and students with a long-standing history of volunteering with the Salinas Rodeo.

Click HERE to donate


*Examples of non-cash donations might include coin collections, property/land or vehicles.

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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