Livestock Information
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Livestock Information

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Please take a moment to watch the following short video about the California Rodeo’s Livestock Program.

Livestock Welfare Information
The California Rodeo Salinas is at the forefront of livestock care and has been actively involved in the push for awareness for many years. We follow all Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association (PRCA) Rules as well as State laws regarding proper treatment of livestock. The California Rodeo Salinas goes above and beyond the call to provide proper care and handling for all livestock at our event.

Presently, there are over 70 rules in place to ensure the proper care and treatment of rodeo animals. A few key directives include……

  • A veterinarian must be on-site at all PRCA sanctioned rodeos
  • Judges inspect all livestock and only allow healthy livestock to participate.
  • All spurs must be dull
  • Performance enhancing stimulants and hypnotics are not allowed
  • No mistreatment of livestock, members found in violation may be disqualified, fined and/or suspended. This holds true in the competitive arena or anywhere on rodeo grounds.
  • In the tie down roping, rules require the contestant to adjust their equipment and technique in order not to cause the calf to go over backwards. If the contestant is found in violation, a fine and/or disqualification is levied.
  • Flank straps used to enhance the bucking action of a horse bred to buck must be lined with neoprene or fleece.
  • Steers used in team roping have a protective covering placed around their horns.

The PRCA has continuously called upon independent, on-site rodeo veterinarians at PRCA-sanctioned events to conduct livestock welfare surveys. The purpose of these surveys is to determine the rate of injury to livestock and the effectiveness of PRCA livestock welfare rules.

The most recent survey shows a safety percentage rate of 99.9%. Overwhelmingly, our on-site rodeo veterinarians comment that livestock are healthy and well-suited to rodeo competition.

Results of the 2023 Survey

·Total livestock exposures: 566,717

·Number of PRCA sanctioned events: 790

·Number of injuries: 563

·Injury rate: .09%

For more information about Livestock Welfare please visit

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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