Year Round Sponsorship Opportunities
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Year Round Sponsorship Opportunities

year round signs
Rodeo might be over, but the year round events at the Salinas Sports Complex (SSC) are picking up speed!The Rodeo-off-season is a time for building and cultivating leads and laying the groundwork for when sales really start coming in. Carefully planning your marketing tactics throughout the entire year can help reduce unpredictability and increase profits when the Rodeo season finally rolls around. The Salinas Sports Complex is a year round, multi-use facility and is operated by the California Rodeo Association. The dirt arena at the Salinas Sports Complex hosts both local and non-local events all year round such as high school graduations, car shows, sporting events, high school rodeos, barrel races, concerts, and much more.

¨ The Year Round Signage opportunity includes the Monster Jam event in May and all other year round events hosted by the California Rodeo or rented by another promotor. The Monster Jam event hosts a sellout crowd of 16,000 attendees and features Monster Truck rip-roaring freestyle fun for the whole family.

If you are interested in displaying a wood sign in our arena year’s easy as 1, 2, and 3! Contact Victoria Carlisle as soon as possible for premium placement.

We estimate over 220,000 patrons will see your sign in one calendar year! This is a great exposure opportunity for your company on a year round basis at the premier venue in the Salinas Valley for a $1,500 to a $2,000 investment. If you are interested please contact our Sponsorship Manager, Victoria Carlisle at 831 775 3109 or for more information.

Year Round Sponsorships

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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