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Be on the Lookout for the Official California Rodeo Salinas Vehicle

The Custom Wrapped Suburban will Catch Your Eye

A custom vehicle is one of the signature advertising pieces of the California Rodeo Salinas and has been for many years. These vehicles started out as convertibles with horns on the front and have advanced to fully wrapped pieces of art that display the ad campaign for the year as the suburban rolls down the road. The campaign this year, Blazing the Trail since 1911, incorporates vintage photos with trendy acronyms like YOLO, LOL and BFF that may be used while text messaging and more. Another brain child of designer Tracy Hopper, owner of Hopperopolis, the campaign is a combination of tradition and pop culture. One side of the vehicle features Jesse Stahl, a famous African American cowboy aboard Glass Eye, with YOLO, You Only Live Once, and the other side features a vintage photo of Rodeo Clown Dale Woodard on a miniature donkey holding a small American flag with LOL, Laugh Out Loud. The wrap was laid out and installed by Central Coast Sign and Design of Salinas. The use of the Chevrolet Suburban from April through the end of the Rodeo in July is donated by MY Cars of Salinas.

The suburban will travel to places like Red Bluff, Clovis, Sonora, Redding and other cities for parades where Miss California Rodeo Salinas 2015 Taylor Howell will ride on the front behind Monte, a steer head that attaches to the grill. Locals can see the suburban in the Kiddie Kapers and Colmo del Rodeo Parades on Saturday July 16th or driving around town running errands in preparation for the California Rodeo Salinas July 21st through the 24th.

Connect with the California Rodeo Salinas on Facebook for photos, event updates and more.

About the California Rodeo

The 106th California Rodeo Salinas will take place July 21st-24th, 2016. The California Rodeo Association is a non-profit organization that strives to preserve and promote the traditions of the California Rodeo Salinas and the West. We support the community and other non-profit organizations through the staging of the annual California Rodeo Salinas and other year round operations of the Salinas Sports Complex. Through donation of our facility, vending and fundraising opportunities during Rodeo and other events, the California Rodeo Association returns over $300,000 annually to local non-profits. For more information about the California Rodeo Salinas, log on to or call the California Rodeo Office at 831-775.3100. ‘Like’ the California Rodeo on Facebook at or follow us on twitter @CaliforniaRodeo for updates, photos and more.

Be on the Lookout for the Official California Rodeo Salinas Vehicle

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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