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New Miss California Rodeo Salinas is “Local” Young Lady from San Benito County

Grace Tobias is the new ambassador for Salinas Rodeo

SALINAS, CA July 23, 2013 –Grace Tobias is the daughter of Charles and Lisa Tobias of Tres Pinos. She entered the contest as Miss San Benito Rodeo but is now sporting the title of Miss California Rodeo Salinas. Grace attends UC Davis majoring in Animal Science with the goal of attending the School of Veterinary Medicine. While a participant of the UC Davis Collegiate Livestock Judging Team and Livestock Show Team, she serves as the Vice President of the Young Cattlemen’s Association of UC Davis. Growing up on a cattle ranch in San Benito County and learning the necessary skills and techniques of the Vaquero tradition has led Grace to compete in reined cow horse. Through her many 4-H experiences she reached the high honor of California State 4-H Ambassador and works with the current Ambassador team to organize the California State Leadership Conference that will celebrate the 100th year of the 4-H program in California. Grace enjoys spending time with her family and driving her classic Mustang.

Grace was named Miss California Rodeo Salinas 2013 during the opening ceremony of the 103rd California Rodeo Salinas Thursday July 18th. Grace spent the tail end of Big Week helping present belt buckles to champions, assisting mutton busters on the track, talking with media and riding in daily parades. The rest of her year representing Salinas will include media interviews, appearances, riding in the parades and at rodeos across the state and attending numerous events to spread the word about the California Rodeo Salinas. The California Rodeo Salinas welcomes Grace to the team.  

About California Rodeo Salinas


The California Rodeo Association is a non-profit organization that strives to preserve and promote the traditions of the California Rodeo Salinas and the West. We support the community and other non-profit organizations through the staging of the annual California Rodeo Salinas and other year round operations of the Salinas Sports Complex. Through donation of our facility, vending and fundraising opportunities during Rodeo and other events, the California Rodeo Association returns over $350,000 annually to local non-profits. For more information about the California Rodeo Salinas, log on to or call the California Rodeo Office at 831-775.3100. ‘Like’ the California Rodeo on Facebook at or follow us on twitter @CaliforniaRodeo for updates, photos and more.



Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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