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Daryl Whitcher takes over as President for 2014-20154

October 30, 2013- The California Rodeo Association added a new President, Vice President and installed three new Directors to the Board during the annual Stockholders Dinner and Meeting on October 17th. Every two years a new President takes over the leadership of the organization, working closely with three Vice Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary as well as an Executive Committee made up of Directors and an at large Board of 52 Directors. Daryl Whitcher is now holding the reins as President after being an Officer since 2004. Dave Pedrazzi is now the 3rd Vice President, joining Mike Scarr who moved to 1st Vice President and Brent Eastman who moved to 2nd Vice President. Benny Jefferson now moves on to the role of immediate Past President.

The three new Directors include Laurie LaVelle who chairs the Miss California Rodeo Salinas Committee, Martin Jefferson who chairs the Rental Committee and Tim Baldwin who chairs the Carnival Committee. All three new Board members have extensive experience at the California Rodeo Salinas and have been long-time volunteers.

Benny Jefferson and Daryl Whitcher also presented Salinas’ Mayor Joe Gunter with a symbolic check in the amount of $247,402 which represents the amount of money the California Rodeo helps to generate for local non-profit organizations.  This amount is based on the Rodeo only, the total non-profit donation amount will be announced at a later date.

Daryl Whitcher, President 2013-2014

Daryl Whitcher started as a Committee Member of the California Rodeo in 1983 on the Round Up Day Committee then went on to chair the Credentials Committee for several years. Daryl became an Officer in 2004. He is a California Native who graduated from Monterey High and Monterey Peninsula Community College and went on to earn a degree from Fresno State University in Geomatics Engineering. He is the Owner and President of Monterey County Surveyors, Inc. working on many pro-bono projects in the community and beyond. Daryl enjoys golfing in his spare time and is also active in the Far West Division of the National Ski Patrol organization. He lives in Salinas with his wife Debbie and has a son, Thomas, and a daughter, Crissy.


Dave Pedrazzi, 3rd Vice President

Dave Pedrazzi is the fourth generation to grow up on the family cattle ranch in the Salinas Valley.  He has been involved in the California Rodeo almost his entire life and became a Director in 1983. Dave followed in his father Pete’s footsteps as the Track Director, running all the events that take place on the track surrounding the arena during the show. After attending Hartnell Junior College here in Salinas and California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, Dave moved back to Salinas and began a farming and ranching career which continues to this day. In his spare time, he enjoys roping, hunting, skiing and family gatherings.   Dave lives on River Road in Salinas with his wife, Debbie. Dave’s daughter Nicci and her husband Danny DeRoza, daughter Nette, her husband Braden Hoover and their 2 sons, and son Peter and his wife Emily all live here in Salinas as well  and help out with the family cattle business throughout the year.


Laurie LaVelle-Director

Laurie LaVelle considers herself very fortunate to have lived most of her life in the Salinas Valley surrounded by the produce and cattle industries. Her family has deep roots in the California Rodeo dating back to the 1920’s. Laurie’s involvement with the Rodeo began back in the 70s as a member of the Honorary Color Guard that led the daily Downtown Parade and Grand Entry of the Rodeo. She competed against 12 other deserving contestants for the title of California Rodeo Sweetheart in 1975 and began helping on the Arena Committee in the 1980s. In 1999 Laurie joined the Miss California Rodeo Committee and she began chairing that committee in 2003.  Outside of her Rodeo activities, which keep her busy all year long, Laurie enjoys landscaping, sewing and riding and showing horses. Laurie and her husband Butch reside outside of King City and they have one grown daughter-Leeann Bettencourt.


Martin Jefferson-Director

Martin Jefferson can’t remember exactly when he started volunteering out here because he has always tagged along to help his Dad and other relatives work to prep the ground and get the arena ready for the Rodeo and Monster Truck events. He officially became a committee member when he was 15 years old and has worked out here for over 20 years. About 11 years were spent on the Ground Prep committee and over the past 4 years, Martin has taken over as the Chairman of the Rentals Committee. He has also worked multiple years on the Monster Trucks and Central Coast Motorsports Committees. After leaving the family farm last February, Martin has been working as a Plant Nutrition Specialist for Wilbur Ellis Co. here in Salinas and Soledad. Martin enjoys restoring vintage and unique farm and military equipment and is an active volunteer with Monterey County Regional Fire District. Martin has been married to his wife Jamie for 7 years and they have a 3 year old daughter, Adalyn Clair.


Tim Baldwin-Director

Tim Baldwin has volunteered at the California Rodeo for over 10 years. He started on the Track Committee moving flying gates and later served on the Coordinating Committee. He became Committee Chair of the Credentials Committee in 2007 and is currently Committee Chair of the Carnival and Co-Chairman of the Credentials Committee with Adam Jacop. Tim is a partner in the law firm of Noland, Hamerly, Etienne and Hoss with his practice focusing on business and real estate transactions, specializing in agricultural enterprises. Tim has helped the Rodeo on a pro-bono basis with various legal matters. In addition to volunteering for the Rodeo, Tim is a member of the downtown Salinas Rotary and Rotarian of the Year for 2013 as well as Vice President of the Board of Directors for the Salinas Valley Fair in King City. Tim is a self-described recreational team roper with an emphasis on recreational; he is a past winner of the committee roping here at the Rodeo and attends the Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital trail ride each year. Tim lives on River Road with his son Trent, a junior at Palma, and his daughter Tayler, who is in the fifth grade at Spreckels Elementary School.


Photos by Interface Visual.

-Benny Jefferson, Miss California Rodeo Salinas Grace Tobias and Daryl Whitcher; presenting Benny with his Past President buckle




The California Rodeo Salinas will take place July 17-20, 2014. The California Rodeo Association is a not-for-profit organization that strives to preserve and promote the traditions of the California Rodeo Salinas and the West. We support the community and other non-profit organizations through the staging of the annual California Rodeo Salinas and other year round operations of the Salinas Sports Complex. Through donation of our facility, vending and fundraising opportunities during Rodeo and other events, the California Rodeo Association returns over $350,000 annually to local non-profits. For more information about the California Rodeo Salinas, log on to or call the California Rodeo Office at 831-775.3100. ‘Like’ the California Rodeo on Facebook at or follow us on twitter @CaliforniaRodeo for updates, photos and more.









Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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