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California Rodeo Salinas Hosting an Old-fashioned Barn Dance

Proceeds from April 11th Event to Benefit Rodeo’s Hall of Fame

The California Rodeo Salinas is hosting an old-fashioned barn dance on Saturday April 11th from 7-11pm at The Barn on Old Stage Road. Tickets are $25 per person and include small bites provided by Outback Steakhouse, a no-host bar and music by Monte Mills and the Lucky Horseshoe Band. Western attire is welcomed and encouraged. The proceeds will benefit the California Rodeo’s Hall of Fame. The Barn is located at 1563 Old Stage Road in Salinas. For directions, information and to purchase tickets please visit: You can also call 831-775-3100 to reserve your spot.  The event is for those 21 years of age and older.



Barn Dance Sponsors:

Outback Steakhouse

Pacific Ag Rentals



California Rodeo Salinas Hosting an Old-fashioned Barn Dance

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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